
  1. Article
    How should periodical payments of damages for personal injury be updated to account for inflation?
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    Tort Law Culture: Image and Reality
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    Acoustic Classification of Guitar Tunings with Deep Learning
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    Industrial Injuries Compensation: Tort and Social Security Compared
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    Paying damages for personal injury via a pension instead of a lump sum: UK and Canada compared
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    Blind Quality Assessment of Dense 3D Point Clouds with Structure Guided Resampling
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    Structural Factors Affecting the Number and Cost of Personal Injury Claims in the Tort System
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    Employers' Liability and Workers' Compensation
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    What tactics are used by lawyers when litigating claims for damages for personal injury?
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    Biodiversity and forestry in developing country NDCs.
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    Tort Personal Injury Claims Statistics: Is There a Compensation Culture in the United Kingdom?
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    Contracts between Businessmen: an Empirical Study of Tendering Practices in the Building Industry
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    Increasing the Price of Pain: Damages, The Law Commission andHeilvRankin
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    Employers' Liability and Worker's Compensation: England and Wales
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    How Important are Insurers in Compensating Claims for Personal Injury in the UK?
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    Litigation Costs and Before-the-Event Insurance: The Key to Access to Justice?
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    Humanity in Tort: Does Personality Affect Personal Injury Litigation?
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    Benchmarking visual SLAM methods in mirror environments
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    Work smarter, not harder: cytomegalovirus regulates multiple pathways by impairing one protease
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    Military healthcare professionals’ experience of transitioning into civilian employment
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    Audit committees in financial institutions in Saudi Arabia: a dichotomy of perceptions of functional independence and the reporting of financial crime
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    Translating seasonal climate forecasts into water balance forecasts for decision making
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    Your PhD Program Selectivity Matters For Your Publishing Chances
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    What is the role of university teaching in developing professionals in conservation?
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    First contact physiotherapy service in primary care in Wales
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    Panentheism in some forms coheres with creation and with evil.
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    Participatory and creative methods with care experienced children and young people
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    Education of children and young people in care
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    Representing Italianness through domestic objects in the literature of Italian migration
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    Causing a denial of service by jamming ModbusTCP communication
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    Service placement in multi-Fog and multi-Cloud environments
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    Ensuring the sustainable utilization of palm oil mill effluent.
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    Decaying dams and canal systems built during the Soviet period cause problems for Central Asia today
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    Cybersecurity of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: A Review
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    New overlaps between mental health, antipsychotic medication and the immune system revealed
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    Occupational science research and practice: A brief report on European perspectives based on an online-survey
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    Clinical Legal Education Revisited
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    Historic Timber-Framed Buildings in the UK: Cultural Significance and Energy Efficiency
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    CPD requirements for UK health workers
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    How Insurers Divide Up and Amalgamate Damage to Assess Payments
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    Recovery of State Benefits from Tort Damages: Legislating For or Against the Welfare State?
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    Dialogue in conservation decision-making
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    Talking about delayed parenting
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    Rethinking data(fication) and surveillance from a Southern perspective
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    Writing a shared statement of conservation principles in Wales
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    How to be more sustainable in our laboratory practice
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    ForestQB: Exploring Wildlife Data with a Combination of Visual and Conversational Interfaces
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    Industrial Injuries Compensation: Tort and Social Security Compared